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The Headwaters of Occultism

The Headwaters of Occultism 1400 579 The Society of the Inner Light

The Headwaters of Occultism

Dion Fortune

Where do occultists look as the source of their science? What are its classics, and when was its Golden Age? People are sometimes surprised that the occultist should take seriously the. scientific views of the ancients, concerning himself with ‘humours’ and all the jargon of alchemy. All such things, it is said, have been out-moded ever since the Renaissance; why waste time on such exploded superstitions?

The reason that the occultist seeks his inspiration in the remote past is because the nearer the source, the purer the stream. The wisdom of the initiates is not so much a body of doctrine that has been built up by experimental research, each worker handing on the fruits of his studies to his successors, as in large part a revelation received from sources other than those to which humanity normally has access. This revelation, once received, is developed and applied, but in its essence it is a gift to humanity brought by the Elder Brethren; it is, firstly, the garnered fruits of previous evolutions; secondly, it is the pioneer work of those who have gone on ahead of evolution; and thirdly, it is brought down from planes of existence which human consciousness cannot normally contact.

Out of these varying elements the body of doctrine called Esoteric Science has been elaborated and adapted to the needs of different ages and races. All its fundamental principles in the present age have been received as ‘the gifts of the Gods’, and it is only its practical applications that humanity has had to work out for itself. For a proper understanding of the Wisdom Tradition we must therefore know something of the means by which this gift of primordial wisdom was brought to mankind.

For a force to manifest on the planes of form, it has to be expressed through a form; otherwise there is no manifestation. The Christ Within functions when we realise, even momentarily, the perfect love which makes all things one, but for the Christ-force to function through the group-mind there has to be group realisation of Its nature, and therefore it is that we have the Christs of the Rays, and not one manifestation of an impersonal force for the whole universe and all evolution.

Each Ray manifests its force in a phase of evolution, and the positive and negative aspects of these Rays are the Lesser Days and Nights of Brahma. The Secret Wisdom tells us that the Rays come into action in turn, like the shining forth of beams from the One Light, and of their dawn and dusk the precession of the equinoxes is the cosmic clock. Each Ray works out a phase of evolution, and each phase of evolution recapitulates the work of its predecessors before it commences upon its own, and in order to expedite this task, the fruits of the previous evolution are brought to it by certain Entities who are known to the Secret Tradition as the ‘Seedbearers’. The Entities of each life-wave, having achieved equilibrium, are stabilised as co-ordinated systems of reactions; the Lords of Flame are the forerunners of the Devas of the Elements; the Lords of Form range from Building Elementals, to the Geometrising Consciousness who ‘Guide Arcturus with his sons’; and the Lords of Mind are the Laws of biology.

The Seedbearers who come at the beginning of each life-wave are drawn from the evolution immediately preceding, but as the Rays represent sub-cyclic activities which do not recapitulate but rather manifest forth a special aspect, the Seedbearers to the Rays are drawn from the previous life-wave which has a correspondence with the work to be carried out in that particular ray-phase of evolution. These Seedbearers are known to tradition as the Culture-Gods, and it will be noted that each of the ancient races had a tradition of a Divine Progenitor, or priest-emperor who gave it its culture.

This priest-emperor, being a perfected soul of a previous evolution, is immeasurably superior to the rudimentary consciousnesses to whom He comes, for, having completed His evolution, He is of the plane of God, and intuition, recognising this, invariably treats Him as a divinity because Divinity is made manifest in Him. He plants in the group-soul of the evolving race those archetypal ideas which are faculties; this process is analogous to that whereby the individuality transmits the fruits of its evolution to each successive personality in which it manifests. The civilisation thus inaugurated runs its course to the nadir of its material evolution, the point furthest out from God, metaphorically speaking; it is at this point that it has to turn about and come back on the evolutionary arc, and it is here that the Star Logos of Christ of the Ray comes to it upon the physical plane. Before His coming, the Ray is an outpouring of the Divine Life, governed by the laws evolved in previous evolutions, but the Star Logos says, ‘A new law give I unto you’.

The function of the Star Logos, incarnating as man, is two-fold; its exoteric aspect is to live the archetypal human life, the life that all men of that Ray will live when they have achieved perfection, and thereby to impress that standard of life and action of the group-mind, and so He is not only ‘Perfect God’, being Divinity made manifest, but he is also ‘Perfect Man’, or the archetypal ideal of humanity for that phase of evolution, and what He is during His brief earthly manifestation, all men must be when they are ‘made perfect even as our Father which is in heaven is perfect’.

The Christs of the Rays always manifest on the physical plane during the sub-cycles of the Ray which corresponds in number and colour with the Ray itself; thus, it was on the fourth subcycle of the Green Ray, in the fourth sub-race of the fourth root race, that the Manu Narada founded the Temple of the Sun in the City of the Golden Gates in lost Atlantis. The Manu Narada was a Lord of Mind, for the Atlanteans were evolving the conscious mind.

It was in the same way that the archetypal ideas were brought to mankind by the Manu Melchizedek, who was a Lord of Form, and to this school it is that the most ancient initiations of our present race are traceable, and therefore it is that the highest of our Initiates are referred to as ‘High Priests after the Order of Melchizedek’, that is to say, they trace back their spiritual lineage to an Atlantean initiation.

The Manu Melchizedec brought to His people, among other things, wheat, and the honeybee, as His symbols in the Mysteries indicate. Wheat is the staff of life to His peoples; and it is curious to note that all wheat eaters are Christians, and where wheat will not grow, Christianity will not spread; and that from the fermentation of sugar is derived alcohol.

Now alcohol, whatever may be said of its modern abuse, was originally the Western Equivalent of the Soma Juice, the means whereby the brain was enabled to respond to the vibrations of abstract mentation, which it is the function of this root race to develop, just as the Atlanteans developed the concrete mind and bequeathed it to us. Drunkenness is really
black magic, the use of occult knowledge for personal ends, and is the characteristic evil of Europe; and what alcohol was to this sub-race, the knowledge of the function and manipulation of the endocrine glands will be to the next sub-race. This knowledge has long been the secret of the initiates, and forms the basis of the Yogi-breathing systems, but exoteric science is now re-discovering these truths on its own account, and therein are contained the seeds of destruction.

It must not be thought, however, that because the Manu of the Ray functions as a Priest-King at its inception, and the Star Logos of a Ray as its Christ in the sub-cycle that corresponds in its number to the number of the Ray, that humanity is ever left without guidance. Each subcycle of a Ray, each sub-race of humanity, has its Great One, but these are not of the grade of the Star Logoi who are the perfected Humanity of previous evolutions, but They are the perfected humanity of the previous sub-race which corresponds in number to the sub-cycle of the Ray on which They are working. These entities may be distinguished from the true Star Logoi by the fact that of the Christs it is always recorded that They manifested through Virgin Birth and died the sacrificial death, and in this there is a deep occult significance.

It may not unreasonably be asked; how can the foregoing statements be verified? No one who has developed rational consciousness can be justifiably asked to accept any statement on faith, and therefore, as obliged by the laws of his nature, he demands evidence. The evidence in these matters is based on the law of correspondences. ‘As above, so below’. What is true of the microcosm, man, is true of the macrocosm; and what is true of man is true of the amoeba, and what is true of the amoeba is true of the macrocosm. Unless the findings of a psychic fit in with the Cosmic system they cannot be considered accurate. Therefore, it is that the psychic who is not also an initiate is at a grave disadvantage, for he can never compare his measure with the Great Pyramid.

There are no exceptions in the Cosmic Law; neither do the systems of the different occult schools vary when understood in their purity, and it will be found that the scheme set forth in the preceding pages, though derived from the Western Tradition, in no way conflicts with the scheme which Mme Blavatsky outlines in the ‘Secret Doctrine’, and which she received from the Eastern Tradition.

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